How will teaching be adapted to meet my child’s needs?

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

ELSA Groups

The ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) programme promotes emotional literacy and supports the development of good communication, self-esteem, social and friendship skills, and anger management.

It is run by Ms Carrington and Mrs Iceton who are trained ELSAs. Each session lasts 15-20 minutes, one or twice a week depending on the age and needs of the child.

Lunchtime Friendship Club

This a club run by a trained adult during the lunchtime period where children can develop good play, turn taking and friendship skills. It also provides an environment where children have access to adult support for any emotional needs they may have.

Nurture Provision

The Rainbow Fish Group supports children’s social and emotional development. It is run by Mrs Iceton and Ms Carrington.

The main focus is to offer children opportunities to communicate, understand and manage their feelings and emotions. 

The sessions are well planned to cater for individual needs of the children and include opportunities for them to develop social and academic skills within an alternative, supportive environment in which the adults support children to learn that they can learn. 

More Interventions


What arrangements are made to enable my child to benefit and take advantage of the full school curriculum?

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