
Welcome from our Chair of Governors

My name is Mahwish Habib and I’m the Chair of Governors.

We are very proud of our school and the special place that Elmwood Infant School and Nursery holds in our community.  Through a combination of shared vision, a strong team and high expectations Elmwood has consistently made progress towards becoming an outstanding school.

As Chair of Governors I am pleased to have been involved in our development and the continuing success of our school.  I am proud that Elmwood offers our children a place where they can feel safe and happy growing into confident young people by the time they leave us at the end of year two.

The governors are a group of committed and active volunteers, including parents who work in partnership with the headteacher and others on the senior leadership team to support school improvement.

We are all very proud of our school and recognise the hard work and commitment of the staff who work tirelessly to provide the very best opportunities for our children to succeed.

As governors our role is to offer strategic guidance and to ensure that standards of teaching and learning are continuously and rigorously improved upon year upon year.

As a governing body we also;

  • Contribute to the school self-evaluation process
  • Discuss and approve the schools targets
  • Evaluate progress and achievements
  • Monitor the School Improvement Plan
  • Review School Policies
  • Agree the school budget and ensure that resources are deployed and managed effectively and efficiently

We have very high expectations and expect our children to make the best possible progress during their time with us and to prepare them for the future.

We welcome visitors to come and visit us to see the great things happening at Elmwood.

If you would like to know more about our school and would like to arrange a visit please call us on 0208 689 7681 or email

Kind regards

Mahwish Habib

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