School Day

In the morning our school gates are open between 08.30 am and 08.50 am.

Please take your child to their class between 08.40 am – 08.50 am. (All children must be accompanied to their classroom door).

To avoid any undue anxiety children should be collected promptly at 3.10 pm. If a parent arrives later than 3.20 pm they are required to sign their child out in the office.

Under NO circumstances should any infant aged child arrive or depart from school unless they are accompanied by either a parent or a person of at least 16 years of age, approved by the parent.

In exceptional circumstances, if you anticipate that you may be late and/or have made alternative arrangements for the collection of your child, please give us a telephone call to inform us, so that we can pass the message to your child and reassure them.

There is a breakfast club and after school club run in the school hall every day.  If you would like further information about these clubs, please contact the office.

There is a morning break (15 minutes) for all children in Year 1 and Year 2. Children in the Early Years do not have a set break time because they have such a lot of outdoor learning throughout the day. Lunchtime lasts for an hour, although this is staggered to ensure all children have an enjoyable lunchtime experience.

Drop-Off Times

Collection Times

Nursery AM – 08.30am

Nursery AM – 12.30pm

Nursery PM – 12.20pm

Nursery PM – 3.20pm

Reception – 08.50 – 09.00am
Year  1 – 08.50 – 09.00am
Year 2 – 08.50 – 09.00am

Reception – 03.10 – 03.20pm
Year  1 – 03.10 – 03.20pm
Year 2 – 03.10 – 03.20pm


Reception – 11.30 am – 12.30 pm
Year 1 – 12.15 pm – 1.15 pm
Year 2  – 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm

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