At Elmwood Infants School we intend to build a Design Technology curriculum which is inspiring, rigorous, and practical. We want our children to use creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. We intend for all children to acquire appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum. Our intention is to make learning accessible and inclusive so that all children achieve their full potential including children with SEND. It is our aim to create strong cross curricular links with other subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Computing, and Art. We want Design and Technology to prepare our children, to give them the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences they need to be successful in later life.
The teaching of Design and Technology at Elmwood follows the guidance in the EYFS Development matters document and National Curriculum and the subjects are taught through a variety of creative and practical activities. Through our scheme of work, children are taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the process of designing and making. Thorough planning ensures we implement a curriculum that is progressive through the whole school. Links are made with other subjects and the teaching of Design and Technology draws upon subject knowledge and skills within maths, science, history and art. For example, children in Year 1 make fruit salads when learning about keeping healthy. Design Technology at Elmwood promotes the use of our Super Skills, in particular children are encouraged to be creative, independent, confident, organised, reflective and to show perseverance.
In the Early Years, the children develop essential basic skills in Design and Technology through, ‘Exploring using Media and Materials’ and ‘Being Imaginative’, which involves plenty of explorative and informal play through practical, first hand experiences. At Elmwood we give the children opportunities to explore, be inquisitive and learn about the properties of materials and how to use them to express their ideas. Children’s work is celebrated and displayed alongside quotes of the pupil’s thoughts about their own and other’s learning. Our outdoor focus is on exploration of materials and how children interpret these in imaginative ways.
Children explore and use a variety of materials through a combination of child initiated and adult planned activities. Creative opportunities are linked with all the areas of learning as well as the Characteristic of Learning.
By the end of Early Years, it is expected that the children will be able to:
Construct with a purpose in mind
Use simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately
Use different media and materials to express their ideas
Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work when necessary
Select tools and techniques they need to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.
In KS1 Design and Technology will involve the children designing, making, technical knowledge and evaluating. Children are taught units which allow children to investigate, design, make and evaluate a DT project. This project may be completed through a series of lessons or DT mornings.
Technical Knowledge
Children engage in activities and investigations which allow them to practise the technical knowledge or skill that they will be required to use when making their product.
Children will draw/sketch their design and add key information which might include the features they have included, the materials and equipment need and the technical skills they need to use in making the product. Children use a design sheet or a booklet to record this information, which is used and added to during the design process.
Children select the tools, resources, materials and equipment needed to make their product.
Children evaluate the effectiveness of their ideas and products against their design criteria and record their thoughts individually on their design sheet or booklet.
Cooking and nutrition is implemented across the school with children developing an understanding of where food comes from, to identify healthy food and make healthy choices, the importance of a varied and healthy diet and how to prepare this.
Design and technology is taught throughout the year to encourage and drive children’s creativity and organisation in the development of new ideas and their own products. The children are encouraged to reflect upon the strengths and areas for development within their designs, and are able to discuss their learning and the skills that they have practised which can be taken beyond Elmwood Infant School.
The designs carried out are decided by both the children’s interests and the curriculum, inspiring the children to be adventurous in exploring the new skills. They show progression in their skills, knowledge and understanding in the work in their books/booklets. The impact of the DT Curriculum is that the all children, including children with SEND, will make progress throughout their time at Elmwood Infants School.
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Art & Design around our school
Reception children have been using playdough to create models linked to the story ‘The Gruffalo’
Year 1 children have been learning about healthy eating and practised their cutting skills to make their own fruit kebabs
Year 1 Children used a range of materials linked to Science to make shelters for Insy Wincy Spider. They then tested how strong their structures were
Year 2 children used their knowledge of structure to build their own Victorian houses linked to The Great Fire of London
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