Through the History Curriculum at Elmwood Infant School, we strive to inspire a curiosity within our children about the past. We want our children to be excited to learn about how the past has shaped the world today, as well as having an understanding of British history and that of the wider world. Children investigate how and why the world has changed, as well as considering how they can learn from the past to make the world a better place. Visitors and school visits are used within the History Curriculum to develop a deeper understanding of the time periods studied and to inspire the children to be inquisitive learners who have a life-long love of History.
Implementation – Early Years
The Early Years Curriculum is planned using the guidance within the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Framework’. History is encompassed within the area of ‘Understanding the world’; ‘People and Communities’, ‘The World and Technology’. Children enter the early years with an understanding that time passes and that they change as they grow. History in the key stage is focused on the children learning about themselves and things familiar to them. Children learn about how things change over time, how they have changed as they have developed from a baby to a toddler and a young child. They talk about the changes and start to sequence them in a chronological order. They develop and use phrases relating to the passage of time, such as “When I was a baby …”, “Before I started school …” and are using some historical vocabulary to talk about the past. Annual events such as Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day are celebrated and talked about when they appear in the year.
History Implementation – KS1
In Key Stage 1 History is taught in half termly blocks throughout the year, using the 2014 National Curriculum. Medium term planning ensures that key knowledge and skills are taught in each block and consideration has been given to ensure there is progression across topics and year groups. Cross-curricular links are made, where relevant, to deepen the children’s understanding of a topic. For example, famous explorers are taught when children are learning about the polar regions in Geography.
Teachers ensure that the History Curriculum is inclusive and accessible for all children. Different levels of challenge are used within lessons to develop subject knowledge and key skills. This allows children to work at a level matched to their ability. Thoughtful questioning encourages deeper thinking and children are encouraged to explain how they have arrived at an answer. There are opportunities for children to work independently and collaboratively throughout the curriculum.
Children are introduced to different sources of information and artefacts to help them understand and explain about life in the past. Opportunities are given for children to compare life in the present and the past, identifying similarities and differences. Trips and visitors are used to excite and intrigue children and help them to find out more about events and people from the past. In Key Stage 1 drama is regularly used to allow children to communicate, share and consolidate their learning. Key vocabulary is introduced and modelled and knowledge organisers are used to give children access to vocabulary and meanings in order for them to independently and readily use it in their learning.
At Elmwood Infant School the impact of quality first teaching IN History, is that all children make at least expected progress, including those with SEND. Through our curriculum we want our children to be confident and able to talk about what they have learnt in History using subject specific vocabulary. We want our children to be passionate to learn and be curious about the world around them and understand how the past can influence the future. We strive to ensure that all children are given the opportunities and the tools necessary to gain and develop skills in the subject of History. Through our curriculum our children will know about significant historical individuals, who reflect the diverse nature of our school community. Our curriculum enables children to ask relevant questions, think critically and know that information about the past can come from a variety of sources.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods;
- Moderation of books and learning journals
- Learning walks, including use of displays
- Professional dialogue with teachers
- History assessment sheets
- Use of pupil voice sheets at the end of a topic
Children in Foundation Stage are assessed within Understanding the World and their progress is tracked termly.