I am delighted to be able to share with you the outcome of the Ofsted Inspection which took place just before the end of the summer term.
We are very proud of the fact that the school has been judged as ‘Good’ for the third time in a row. The report highlights lots of positives and provides us with some valuable next steps to help us be the best that we can be.
Some of the things we are particularly proud of include:
‘Senior leaders and governors have ensured that the school is an inclusive and welcoming place.’
The school has ‘successfully created an environment where all feel valued’.
‘Parents, carers and pupils are proud of the way in which you have ensured that the ‘rights respecting’ agenda is central to everything the school does.’
‘Pupils report that they feel safe at school and parents support this view.’
The school has ‘been very proactive in helping parents support learning at home’.
‘The early years curriculum has been reviewed to ensure that it is interesting and engaging. Pupils are motivated and engage well with the activities available to them.’
We have already created an action plan to further improve the areas identified as our next steps. These plans include further developments to our outdoor learning areas across the school and offering free clubs to all children eligible for free school meals.
As mentioned in my July newsletter, the new Inspection Framework (April 2018) does not allow Local Authority schools, who have been previously inspected, to be considered as Outstanding. Therefore, we will have to wait for a few more years, continue to strive for the very best outcomes for our pupils and hope that the schedule changes before our next inspection!
Please do not hesitate to come and speak to a member of the senior leadership team if you have any questions or queries about the report.
Yours sincerely,
Zoe Harris